What’s one thing that golf has given you that you never expected?

It’s the season of giving and it truly is the best time of the year.
And, if we’re being honest, it’s always nice to receive a little something, too, right?
In that spirit, we asked our Caddie Network followers on Twitter and Facebook to answer the following: What’s one thing that golf has given you that you never expected?
We received so many fantastic answers. Here’s a look at many of our favorites, with a variety of funny, serious and downright painful…
“A passion to build a company.” — @Whiskey_Pines
“The love for Gold Bond Menthol.” — @imavillageidiot
“A wonderful job and countless lifelong friends.” — @GusTheCaddie88
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“Putting Yips.” — @beineker
“A life of competing. Never thought it would continue like this..” — @JDubyah67
Probably an uncommon answer, but amazing family time pic.twitter.com/jU3UAYJxE0
— Josh Douglass (@JDougESQ) December 3, 2019
“Four back surgeries.” — @wdefrancesco
“New friends in new towns! Lived in London, San Francisco, New York, Vancouver and now Petaluma and have the game to thank for some incredible long-term friendships.” — @NickS17
“Anxiety.” — @2shots70
“Sooooo many friends.” — @GolfTravelerBOS
“The friendship and the banter. The health benefits and the weather.” — @ColinIrving
“A collection of overpriced putters! Ha!” — @replicaeng
“A game for life… regardless of skill.” — @joesanders59
“Lyme Disease.” — @tvguyjake
“Inner peace and a deeper connection to my family.” — @TheSideNotes
“Another puzzle to figure out. Also knowing the pros hit them into the woods, too. Just not as ugly.” — @scheibel_s
“Empty bank account.” — @captain78140963
“A number of friends who I would never have met anywhere else except on the golf course.” — @DannyR415
READ: How I became a PGA Tour caddie | Unwritten rules to caddying
“Amazing time with my daughter!” –@BobRoge321
“About 8,500 hours one-on-one with my Dad that I would have never had otherwise. #misshimeveryday #golftalk #fatherson.” — @puppajr
“A way to eke out a meager living working less than half the year.” — @LoopersProShop
“Awareness of how to treat people and how to not treat people.” — @vedderkj
“Patience.” — @kurush_heerjee
“A great life… and a living.” — @tommysoxx
“A career.” — @ahback9
“Perseverance.” — @LuebkeRon
“Hole-in-one.” — @nathanbyrd12
“Although I have always appreciated the connections with my dad’s side of our family through golf, it was when I recently became a club caddie at a U.S. Open course that I truly joined the Golf Universe! Just wish I had done this before my mid-60s!” — Dave Hall
“A career outside of the golf business. The ability to play good golf opens many doors of opportunity. I was lucky enough to recognize that.” — Corey Brown
“The great association to other people that love the game as much as I do, and to be able to share that.” — Mark D. Kubiak
“Awesome time with family going to PGA events.” — Harry Golliday
“Great memories with my son.” — Chris Jones
“A wife… then kids.” — Chris Bourquin
“A career. Superintendent.” — Michael Salinetti
“I got to spend four hours (actually less — he plays fast) with a former U.S. President (#43).” — Sam Dalton
“To know some of the top players in the world. And on a personal level, becoming closer to my dad before he passed.” — Edward Mickey Clark
“The ability to travel and make a living because of golf.” — Sean Harkins
“Humility.” — John Albritton
The ability to adapt “play it as it lies”.