FAQ: What advice do you have for someone looking to make a career as a caddie?

Through our readers and social media followers here at The Caddie Network, we often receive questions related to the caddie profession. We’ve collected the most frequently asked questions from our readers and followers and tasked actual PGA Tour caddies to serve up the answers based on their experiences. Here are the answers — from PGA Tour caddies — to the questions we most often receive from you.
Just like any other profession, there are plenty of things to consider before considering a career as a caddie — especially when it comes to financials. Here, our loopers offer their best advice for someone looking to make a career as a caddie.
What advice do you have for someone looking to make a career as a caddie?
Don’t expect to make money for a while. Grind it out, be patient. And when you do make some money — and it can come in quick — save as much as you can, because every day that passes when times are good, you’re a day closer to getting fired.
Do you have more caddie questions? We have more caddie answers. From “How do you become a PGA Tour caddie?” to “What’s one thing people absolutely must understand before pursuing a career as a professional tour caddie?,” our pros have you covered with over 20 FAQs – just click here.
Are caddies sponsored like golfers? It only makes sense their shown on TV just as much as the players. Thank you.
Great question. We will get this in the pipeline. Thanks, Jon.
What things from volunteers (scorers, marshals, etc) are most annoying and what do they do that works best?