What makes for the perfect loop… aside from a nice tip?

Caddies who are out looping at a country club or resort are no doubt working hard for a nice tip.
But money isn’t everything.
While those bigger tips sure are welcome, you also want to enjoy your job to the point where it doesn’t actually feel like work, right?
RELATED: ‘Help me help you’: Advice for people taking a caddie
With that in mind, we recently asked our @CaddieNetwork Twitter followers this: What makes for the perfect loop… aside from a nice tip?
Well, you guys delivered plenty of fantastic answers. Here’s a collection of our favorites…
“Good golf, light bag, nice person.” — @vedderkj
“Pace of play! I don’t need to be out there for 4.5 hours lugging bags watching someone shoot a 110. If you don’t play well, play quickly.” — @chelwig54
“Players that realize why they are out there… to enjoy the game they love. Not to throw tantrums, clubs or blame caddies for bad yardages when they miss a green ‘wide’ by 30 yards!” — @johnlewman1yah1
“Someone who asks, ‘how are you?’ And means it.” — @laphillyfan
“Cool people who just want to have fun and enjoy the course.” — @Caddiedamus
“Teeing off at first tee time, then getting done in time for a second loop.” — @JoshuaDCohn
“Someone who verbalizes what they want rather than expect you to know.” — @grabelnyc
“A good player.” — @Portland_John
The perfect loop is getting to carry for somebody that brings a positive attitude and an interest in who you are. I always tell people I will chase your ball anywhere If you bring a good attitude.
— Daniel L Castles III (@Castles3D) August 16, 2019
“Other caddies in the group can make or break the round… good company makes a massive difference. #golftalk #caddies” — @GusTheCaddie88
“A wind that behaves, players who want to have a good time, and a group that utilizes your skills to actually play better.” — @EricRueb
READ: Caddies share their biggest on-course pet peeves
“Fairways and greens… #easyloop” — @mylesshonsey
“When guys from Long Island carry their own putters.” — @asg2334
“Lunch at the turn.” — @GGM2988
“Good guy or gal is all I need.” — @Steedorf
“Good golf and pulling clubs.” — @rya526
“Group that all hits it similar distances and obviously are solid players (Below 6-8 handicaps). As well as people who take blame for their bad putts or give credit on a read, advice.” — @ZaneMoneyEllis
“Someone whose company you can enjoy and get on very well with, granted I’ve only looped at Tour events and one major, but I’ve been very fortunate to have worked for great people.” — @AlexRWilliams96
An enjoyable group of people to be with for the day.
Money is spent and long forgotten, positive connections last forever.
— Gord McGarva (@GordMcGarva) August 16, 2019
“A lot of laughs and no trips to the fescue.” — @tommysoxx
“Competitive players.” — @msantos824
“Good conversation by two equals enjoying the great game of golf.” — @al_duvall
RELATED: The definitive guide to tipping a caddie | 23 hilarious caddie one-liners
“I think a real connection with player, a nice talk and a very good rhythm.” — @Jchaparrogolf
“Advising a player to hit an easy 5-wood rather than powering a 3-iron — it resulted in a hole-in-one! I’ll never forget that moment. 15th hole. Kahkwa Club in Erie, PA. Dave Krause was the golfer. He went for the 3-iron, I said, a smooth 5-wood will do it!” @johnadonofrio
“A player who doesn’t question your advice. And, of course, hits it straight.” — @oc_erit
“Players who actually listen to your advice and play better.” — @Golfyob
“When the player takes your advice and the ball goes where it’s supposed to go.” — @firewood113
“A real stick that’s playing well. People that have never seen the course that listen to you. Oh, and also, just plain, old, everyday respect.” — @hokieheel2
When a player talks about his collection of cars and multiple million dollar houses to look like a big shot on 1st tee and then when it comes time to tip they give minimum.
Give me a guy with a sense of humor, who can take the needle as well as give it, and realizes his abilities and limitations. That along with an open mind by both and good conditions makes a good loop. I don’t care if he shoots 69 or 109.
When a player offers you a drink when the beverage cart comes around, most of the time we say no thank you, but it’s about the ask.