If I could caddie for any player in golf history, it would be…

Imagine for a minute, if you can, what it would be like to caddie for any player in golf history.
How cool would that be? Imagine the things you could learn about that player over the course of those 3 ½-4 hours strolling the fairways together.
RELATED: Recalling your favorite caddie one-liners | Unwritten rules of caddying
A few days back, we reached out to our @CaddieNetwork Twitter followers and asked that they fill in the blanks to this sentence:
If I could caddie for any player in golf history, it would be __________, because _________.
We received dozens of spectacular answers. Here’s a collection of our favorites (also, click here if you’d like to read the entire thread and contribute with your own answer)…
“Walter Hagen because after their round we could do Walter Hagen things.” — @ChefPerm1
“Byron Nelson so that I could see him play in person.” — @DoubleEagleDan
“Jack. Easiest gig in the world.” — @FlatCapGolfer
“Hogan. Wouldn’t have to walk far.” — @GuyStacey1
“Lefty @PhilMickelson because the side bets on if he could pull off the shots would be never ending!” — @SL_Looper
“Bernard Langer… 1,000,000 reasons but mostly that quiet intensity and still personable.” — @RevJeffreyNE
“Seve for his vision around the greens and Hogan for a nice easy walk around the golf course.” — @TJ_MAX2
“Tiger, because it’d be amazing to see that greatness up close and personal… and I’d be rich.” — @lankygolf
“Bobby Jones… he wouldn’t need my help and I would be with the true G.O.A.T.” — @willcarter68
“Fred Funk because I would never have to look for a ball.” — @johnlanthier
“@BrookeHenderson, because her consistency and talent are off the charts.” — @Billy_Wichert
“Old Tom Morris because there would be no golf without him.” — @Pacduneslooper
“Arnold Palmer for the stories.” — @Kellenonline
“Moe Norman because he was so unique and different.” — @me_vinny_78
“@Tommyarmour3 because that dude is a legend after a round.” — @DDB446
“Ben Crenshaw! Imagine how much history he could give you!” — @TGolfer83
“Tony Finau because he’s a nice guy with a super future ahead.” — @DLF0793
“Old Tom Morris… just to see his face when I update him on equipment changes!” — @XterraScott
“In Gee Chun because she always smiles and has great tempo. And how could you not like someone with the nickname of ‘Dumbo?’” — @rekpng
“Lee Trevino to attempt to get one of his clubs unstuck from the ground!” — @dfstunacat
“Lee Trevino. Fun, interesting, knowledgeable, won a lot and likeable.” — @renoopsa
“Tiger, because he has hit a collection of amazing golf shots like nobody else.” — @JonnyTHundaGolf
“Tiger Woods… seeing the G.O.A.T. from that perspective is crazy.” — @JoeOrf305
“@garyplayer because he was great, has a positive attitude, a joy to talk to, he’s a genius with a golf club in his hands, he’s appreciative of his gifts and an overall wonderful person.” — @ctmascaro
And, how about this? Mr. Player took note…
Thanks you Chris. You are too kind. Best regards. GP
— Gary Player (@garyplayer) October 17, 2018
Fizzy the cool pro golfer loved fans and welcomed all
Fuzzy Zeller my father John (rest in peace) was your favorite. at the amana IC VIP you and Tom Watson along with many celebrities at Finkbine a treasure. #5 at fink will never forget the match… Tom & Fuzzy class pro golfers thank you for coming to Iowa City a Treasure
Ian Poulter #tidy golfer