Caddie Confidential: How do Tour caddies let players know they’re available?

Welcome to the eighth installment of our “Caddie Confidential” series, with monthly, inside-the-ropes perspective from dozens of Tour caddies on rotating golf topics. Up this month: we tackle player/caddie relationships, how they evolve and what happens when a player has to break the bad news to a caddie that he or she has been fired.
Just like anything in life, caddying involves some serious networking.
So what do caddies do when they’re looking for that next bag? That was the topic of conversation for this particular Caddie Confidential. When a caddie is let go or leaves a player and is available, how do they get the word out?
“Reach out to agents / instructors who work with multiple players,” one caddie told us. “They may not have any players looking at the time, but they will usually know before anyone else when a player is unhappy. The code of conduct is never contact a player who has a full time caddie, but it does happen from time to time. I have always felt players would not want a caddie who would disrespect his peers.”
We polled nearly four dozen PGA Tour caddies to get their opinion on a variety of questions related to player/caddie relationships in this month’s installment of Caddie Confidential, promising them anonymity in an effort to get their most honest answers. Let’s dive in to what they told us.
What kinds of things do Tour caddies do to network and let players know they’re available?
Check out this selection of responses from caddies:
I call about five caddie buddies and let them know. Word travels quick from there.
Be good at what you do when you’re out there.
Talk to agents and other caddies to get the word out.
Grapevine … walk around talking to everyone.
Call coaches and agents.
Talk to agents, other players and friends that are caddies.
Tell them and show their face at tournaments.
You let caddies/players/agents in your close circle know that you’re available and then hope someone calls you.
Talk to agents and — lately — go on social media.
Speak amongst their peer groups and amongst the agents. That’s the new “parking lot.”
Show up to the following week’s tournament and talk to as many caddies and players as you can to get the word out that you’re looking. Reach out to player’s agents and let them know you’re available.
Contact other caddies or agents.
Form a solid relationship with the agents.
Most have a million agents’ numbers. I don’t. I just tweet it out.
Agents are the best way to connect with a player.
Big time ass kissing and profiling. It’s an audition for them. Yuk yuk after the guy makes birdie or hits a great shot, etc.
Text and direct message on social media.
Interested in more from our August 2021 installment of Caddie Confidential? Be sure to check the player/caddie breakups our loopers found most surprising, as well as stories about how caddies were fired.
You can view all the results from our entire Caddie Confidential by clicking here.