31 golf thoughts that keep you up at night

No matter what level of ability you possess when it comes to the game of golf, if you take it even semi-serious, there are no doubt certain shots/scenarios that keep you up at night.
We recently polled our @CaddieNetwork Twitter following to find exactly what kinds of golf thoughts are the ones that have you tossing and turning.
Here’s what we learned.
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31. “The entire left side of any golf course.” — @TravisDevlin
Love this caddie response to Kevin’s golf nightmare, too…
When I’m on your bag when you get up here Trav, don’t you think about that left side, at all. I’LL worry about that, YOU look straight at our target
— Very Sweet Lou (@JerryLouLooper) April 18, 2020
30. “Will I roll one off the first tee? Will I embarrass myself in front of my playing partners? Will I shank one OB when I need a hole in a Match? Yes, I’m a basket case. But I love it.” — @SqwareState
29. “Why my chipping is trash no matter how much I practice.” — @tmarkey11
28.“Will I ever make a hole-in-one?” — @green_hitter
27. “Low hooks with my driver.” — @ckeeley13
26. “All of it.” — @miketbroderick
25. “How to avoid going left.” — @jmandel99
24. “My push pull hook fade. Oh, that’s kinda straight, maybe?” — @GordonRitter5
23. “I take golf seriously, but nothing in golf is so serious compared to the rest of my life to keep me up at night. Instead, when I can’t sleep for other reasons, my love for the game helps me fall asleep by picturing myself play through my next round shot by shot. #mentalgame” — @ParadiseGrows
22. “Mostly, ‘what has happened?’” — @ChrisPhxBiz
21. “Dumping the wedge shot into the water on our 18th green. Flips all the bets. I pay up.” — @onceacaddy
20. “Why can’t I make that 5-footer for birdie, but I can slam it in for par or bogey!” — @golferguy1202
19. “Shot 82 yesterday with 41 putts. Swear on my kids I counted them all. Nightmares about my putting stroke!” — @KenPeet1
18. “The double miss.” — @OcStagger
17. “Sweet Jesus I can’t putt.” — @Jmikecpa
16. “Reliving chips absolutely screaming across the greens.” — @SmartDebtSrvcs
15. “Will I mess up a great opportunity?” — @HockeyRube68
14. “Snap hooks off the tee.” — @MarcGolden44
13. “Having 75 yards left after tee shot from the fairway and making bogey #3putt.” — @jgilbert972
12. “Chipping yips.” — @Jacktheswan
11. “Will my back hold up. Lol.” — @hobbit0915
10. “Just being excited about getting out to play.” — @jrmsbl74
9. “That three-putt after driving the short par 4.” — @alwilly13
8. “8-10-foot putt opportunities.” — @MarkKubiak1
7. “Seriously how did you hit the ball so bad?” — @dirtydeed1984
6. “Why I can’t hit a freaking iron for the life of me.” — @BucWillie250
5. “Shanking it when a group lets me play through.” — @MarkAUTvols
4. “Not being on time for a tee time and I’ve never been late. Been a struggle at times, but always answered the bell.” — @Skroutyboy
3. “Why I just can’t get putts to fall. Have tons of birdie putts from say 10-40 feet and just can’t get a few to fall.” — @tddpeterson
2. “Missing the short ones. I feel like there’s such a huge disparity between my tee to green game and my putting.” — @jjrrugg
1. “As good as whatever round I just played was, all I think about were the shots I left on the course. A 90 should have been an 86… my 84 could have been a 79, and on and on…” — @Aroma_BeanAs