The most important thing a good caddie does is _________.

There are many things a caddie can do to help their player have a good round.
For some, it can be as simple as carrying their bag and giving yardage; for others, it’s just helping them have a good time while on the course.
We wanted to hear what our @CaddieNetwork followers favorite things a caddie does for them are, so we asked them in a Twitter poll: “The most important thing a good caddie does is _________.”
Here were our 50 favorite responses.
50. “Know when to do nothing at all.” — @MattGinella
49. “Stay upbeat and professional regardless of a players ability or score.” — @handicaddie
48. “Makes sure you have 14 clubs, some golf balls, snacks, pen, tees and chewing tobacco.” — @Troy89689324
I’ve had a caddie on two trophy rounds. Both times my caddie was totally engaged in helping me play my best. TOC and Bandon Dunes.
I won both 💪— Nick Blady (@BladyNick) October 15, 2021
46. “Should read greens if they knew how.” — @stripman55
45. “Stay supportive and positive no matter what.” — @KevinEScott1
44. “Carry the bag?” — @TheGostofhogan
43. “Read his player.” — @DrewStyles2
42. “Not laugh.” — @alcohollywood74
41. “Carry the heavy bag. I am fat.” — @SarcasticDadCEO
40. “Know when to shut up!!” — @cablestation947
39. “Show up, keep up and shut up?????” — @PSU_Ithaca
38. “Knows when to speak up. Knows when to shut up.” — @FrankWintin
37. “To those #showup and #shutup comments… Why would you ever take a caddie… Just ride in your cart.” — @danryan41
36. “Dials you in.” — @bigredsbigworld
35. “Adapt.” — @GottaAskKay
34. “Raises stoke level.” — @BuckWeston3
33. “Makes the round more fun.” — @thetripleBB
32. “Keeps your mind distracted between shots.” — @generalApatton
31. “‘Thanks for what you did back there. You’re a good caddy, something to be proud of.’ – Judge Smails.” — @JayScot61742344
30. “Understand your player’s need for and WILLINGNESS to accept help.” — @fraher_rich
29. “Stand up to their loop.” — @ChrisLancione
28. “Help me enjoy the walk.” — @CupONYJoe
27. “Carry the heavy ass bag.” chuck1970
26. “Prepare, which gives him and his player confidence.” — @tommysoxx
25. “Advise.” — @EricGarlinger
24. “Keeps the 6-pack cold!” — @Shivasirons
23. “Keep a positive attitude.” — @gymflake62
22. “Make their golfer feel relaxed and comfortable from the range to the 19th hole. #preparation #humor #confidence #positivity.” — @CaddieEver
21. “Yardage… Just give me a number and where I should hit it. I will hit it there. Don’t want to know anything else.” — @ChipMendela
20. “Stifle his laughter.” — @trvl8r
19. “Drink.” — @TimRantz
18. “Showers every night…” — @10and8golf
17. “Keep you in a positive mindset and enjoying the game.” — @Brian_McCaffrey
16. “Go to the sketchy side of town to get logos put on shirts. Right @markbaldwin1 @acaseofthegolf1?” — @djslessor11
15. “Knowing when to speak.” — @BaronPhilbert
14. “Sell the shot.” — @BladyNick
13. “Attract female admirers.” — @gulfcoastshrink
12. “Knows what his player wants…and needs.” — @GordMcGarva
11. “To carry the very heavy bag and give the finest yardage!” — @StAndrews1962
10. “The most important thing that a good caddie does is make sure that at the end of the round your golfer says, ‘I had a wonderful time today, and your help was terrific. Thank you so much.’” — @DannyR415
9. “Keeps everyone calm and enjoys every minute. Most golfers may only get this experience a few times in their life.” — @TimAlricB
8. “Anticipate the needs of the golfer. Think ahead. Be proactive, not reactive.” — @craiggruen
7. “Everything.” — @sweetppro
6. “Show up sober…” — @MDSS2
5. “Help me make good decisions, read the greens and keep me positive.” — @LandonGilmore44
4. “Give ya the correct yardage.” — @RodneyC55685101
3. “Make PB&J’s.” — @tcmooradian
2. “Keep calm…” — @philkowal
1. “Show up.” — @DryGloveUSA