The Looper Lounge descends on Houston, a caddie’s Fred Couples-inspired rendition of a Christmas classic and more

Welcome to another addition of our caddie social media round up!
With the Houston Open having been completed on Sunday — a terrific victory for Lanto Griffin — the PGA Tour now heads to Asia for a three-week swing.
Headed for Korea and the CJ Cup. This is the bird taking me over to Asia. #Caddie #CaddieLife #PGATour
— Todd Montoya™ (@ToddCaddie) October 12, 2019
But, before everyone heads out to the other side of the world, here’s a look at what we loved on social media over the last week.
Shoutout to Levelwear Golf, a company that has done a tremendous job at select tournaments over the last several months to make sure the caddies are HOOKED UP.
What Levelwear is doing hasn’t gone unnoticed and is certainly appreciated…
If I catch one caddie bitchin or moaning this week I will choke you ! Check how the great people at the Houston Open are treating the caddies ! Plus look what the peeps at @LevelwearGolf are doing for us. Massages, hair cuts and cancer screenings. Bigtime major thanks !!!
— KIP HENLEY (@KipHenley) October 9, 2019
Caddie Damian Lopez is a highly-recommended Instagram follow (@caddie_wagen). Here’s some of the stuff he pumped out in Houston:
As we all know, caddie Geno Bonnalie is always providing some comic relief… usually poking fun at himself. Last week, he shared a letter he wrote his idol — Fred Couples — when he was just a young boy, which included a Couples-inspired rendition of “The Night Before Christmas.”
My mom recently found a letter I wrote to @fredcouplesgolf 23 years ago. 2 weeks ago Joel and I had the honor of playing with him. It didn’t disappoint
“When what to my wondering eyes should appear, big ol’ Fred Couples was coming near”
— Geno Bonnalie (@GenoBonnalie) October 8, 2019
Bonnalie’s buddy and fellow looper, Aaron Flener, said what we were all probably thinking…
You may have been the dorkiest kid to have ever had a childhood.
— Aaron Flener (@AaronFlener) October 8, 2019
In other Bonnalie news, the family picked up a new, adorable puppy. Geno decided to source out his followers as they tried to determine a name.
Somehow our little man talked us in to getting a Golden Retriever puppy, and we are fighting over what his name will be. My wife told me to let Twitter decide
— Geno Bonnalie (@GenoBonnalie) October 9, 2019
— Geno Bonnalie (@GenoBonnalie) October 9, 2019
One follower offered up a name suggestion not included in the poll, but we absolutely loved — and so did Geno.
Kevin Na won in Vegas two Sundays ago and, over the last couple of years, has become known as the master of the “walk-in putt.” It’s hilarious stuff and so fun to watch. Caddie Ted Scott loves it, too, but wanted to remind everyone that there’s a certain 15-time major winner who has long been the kind of the “walk-in.”
Speaking of Na, shortly after the Vegas win, his caddie Kenny Harms went over to Asia early for a little R&R ahead of the CJ Cup and shared some photos of the breathtaking trip:
Lastly, just an update on an item we mentioned last week, about LPGA player Kim Kaufman raising money for her caddie Audrey, who suffered an injury that has kept her off the course since August. Kaufman posted this:
To everyone who donated, please check out a message from Audrey posted on the account. 😊☺️
— Kim Kaufman (@KimKaufmanGolf) October 8, 2019
Here’s the message from Audrey:
Thank you everyone. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate all the generous donations. I’m overwhelmed with the kindness and love I have received.
My surgery on my right hand went great. I should be good as new in a few weeks.
Thank you, love Audrey
Great news, Audrey!