Sometimes it’s all about feeling good

We are back this week with another social media roundup from the world of our favorite loopers. In today’s installment, we bring you a healthy mix of social shares and article highlights from the past week.
First up, it’s always nice when caddies get a little something special for their efforts. These road warriors often spend week after week traveling together, staying together at hotels, and even carpooling to the course to meet up with their players. Every so often, however, something incredible happens that reminds us all that there is still good in this world.
They let me park in the parking lot today. #blessed
— Kevin McArthur (@CaddieKev) May 11, 2019
Next, it’s nice to see the golf world is still reeling after watching Tiger Woods win his 15th major at Augusta last month. We asked 56 of our favorite caddies their thoughts on his historic accomplishment via a survey, and you’ll love the responses we gathered. Will Tiger catch Jack in total major victories? You’ll have to click the link below to find out what our caddies thought.
We surveyed 56 professional Tour caddies coming out of @TigerWoods‘ win at The Masters.
Here are the results. ⬇️
— The Caddie Network (@CaddieNetwork) May 10, 2019
We all know these guys work hard on — and off — the course during a tournament week. Taking time to care for the occasional sore muscle or achy joint is crucial for any caddie to stay at their best. At last week’s Bryson Nelson, caddie Damon Green snapped this photo of the on-site physio accommodations for the loopers.
Who knew? Thanks @attbyronnelson
— Damon Green (@protourcaddy) May 9, 2019
It always feels good to do something special for those in need. Longtime legendary caddie Hylton James (JJ) is a name well-known on the pro tour circuit, having carried in both the PGA and Web Tours. A recent health struggle has led him to need heart surgery, and fellow caddie Aaron Flener took to social to share JJ’s story.
Beloved caddie Hylton ‘JJ’ James undergoes bypass surgery on Monday and can use your help. Come to donate to help James and stay for @hoffman_charley‘s hilarious story about him. 😂 Every little bit counts.
— The Caddie Network (@CaddieNetwork) May 11, 2019
Finally this week, a hilarious thread emerged on social asking Twitter users to share their favorite caddie pictures. The responses to the thread, which went viral almost immediately, were both hilarious and nostalgic. You’re not going to believe some of the fashion choices some of the game’s most familiar bagmen made in the past, but you can see them all here.
This thread: 💯
— The Caddie Network (@CaddieNetwork) May 8, 2019