2022 RSM Classic Player/Caddie Pairings
Here’s a look at the player/caddie pairs for this week’s RSM Classic at the Sea Island Golf Club, St. Simons Island, Georgia:
- Alberston, Anders
Csicsi Rozsa
- Alexander, Tyson
Adam Parmer
- An Byeong, Hun
Justin York
- Armour, Ryan
Jim McGurk
- Baddeley, Aaron
Pete Persolja
- Bames, Erik
Scott Feaster
- Bhatia, Akshay
Presleigh Schultz
- Blair, Zac
Nik Kroisi
- Bramlett, Joseph
Reynolds Robinson
- Brehm, Ryan
Rex Chaney
- Buckley, Hayden
Brian Mahoney
- Burmester, Dean
Jason Reynolds
- Byrd, Jonathan
Chris P Jones
- Champ, Cameron
David Clark
- Chappell, Kevin
Jay Flexer
- Cink, Stewart
Scott Sajtinac
- Clark, Wyndham
John Ellis
- Cole, Eric
Reed Cochran
- Cone, Trevor
Daniel Woodbury
- Cook, Austin
Matt Loiacano
- Daffue, MJ
Tertius Marais
- Dahmen, Joel
Geno Bonnalie
- Day, Jason
Tim Tucker
- Dou, Zecheng
Aaron Curtis
- Drewitt, Brett
Ben Hulka
- Dufner, Jason
Brandon Antus
- Duncan, Tyler
Brian Vranesh
- Echavarria, Nico
Fabian Azcarate
- Endycott, Harrison
David Gies
- English, Harris
Eric Larson
- Frittelli, Dylan
Philip Lowe
- Garnett, Brice
Chris Callas
- Gay, Brian
Casey Clendendon
- Gligic, Michael
David Stone
- Gordon, Will
Jay Green
- Goya, Tano
Facundo Delapenna
- Grant, Brent
JP Kellogg
- Griffin, Ben
Alex Ritthamel
- Haas, Bill
Shawn Segars
- Hadley, Chesson
Shannon Wallis
- Haley II, Paul
Scott Fiedler
- Hall, Harry
Derek Gillespie
- Hardy, Nick
Jeff King
- Harman, Brian
Scott Tway
- Harrington, Scott
Brandon Winton
- Herman, Jim
Matthew Achatz
- Higgo, Garrick
Tim Butler
- Higgs, Harry
Alex Higgs
- Hodges, Lee
Andrew Medley
- Hoffman, Charley
Andy Barnes
- Hoge, Tom
Henry Diana
- Hossler, Beau
David Pelekoudas
- Hughes, Mackenzie
Jace Walker
- Huh, John
Emmet Scott
- Jackson, Palmer
Patrick Kelly
- Jaeger, Stephan
Brett Waldman
- Johnson, Zach
Brian Smith
- Kang, Sung
Laddie Cline
- Kim, Michael
Heath Holt
- Kim, S.H.
Micah Fugitt
- Kirk, Chris
Mookie DeMoss
- Kisner, Kevin
Duane Bock
- Kizzire, Patton
Joe Etter
- Knowles, Philip
Jack Comstock
- Knox, Russell
Matthew Hauser
- Kraft, Kelly
Boston Brittain
- Kuchar, Matt
Brian Reed
- Landry, Andrew
Nick Hughey
- Lashley, Nate
JJ Beckstrom
- Lebioda, Hank
Danny Sharp
- Lee, Danny
Grant Bennett
- Lingmerth, David
Cedric Lamar
- Lipsky, David
Sam Haywood
- List, Luke
Jeff Willett
- Long, Adam
Matt Erwin
- Love III, Davis
Jeffrey Weber
- Lower, Justin
Chad Gonzales
- Malnati, Peter
Chad Antus
- Martin, Ben
Luke Hopkins
- Matthews, Brandon
Colton Heisey
- McCarthy, Denny
Derek Smith
- McGreevy, Max
Brett Swedberg
- Merritt, Troy
Robert Brown
- Mitchell, Keith
John Limanti
- Molinari, Frencesco
Pello Iguaran
- Montgomery, Taylor
Darren Woolard
- Moore, Taylor
Chris Tichenor
- Mullinax, Trey
Julien Trudeau
- NeSmith, Matthew
Mick Brennan
- Nimmer, Bryson
Ron Levin
- Noh, Seung-Yul
Stewart Slover
- Norlander, Henrik
Tim Thalmueller
- Norman, Vincent
Sean Mcdonagh
- Novak, Andrew
Jeff Hamley
- Núñez, Augusto
Alejandro Acevedo
- O'Hair, Sean
T. Jay Fairlie
- Pendrith, Taylor
Mithell Theoret
- Percy, Cameron
Brandon Davis
- Piercy, Scott
Danny Stout
- Poston, J.T.
Aaron Flener
- Power, Seamus
Eoin Cass
- Putnam, Andrew
Jordan Guilford
- Rai, Aaron
Jason Timmis
- Ralston, Spencer
Brad Ortwerth
- Ramey, Chad
Timothy Atsedes
- Redman, Doc
Zak Williamson
- Riley, Davis
Lance Bennett
- Rodgers, Patrick
Nic Cavendish-Pell
- Rose, Justin
Joshua Cassell
- Roy, Kevin
Chevy Hartzog
- Ryder, Sam
Brent Everson
- Sabbatini, Rory
Dean Elliott
- Schenk, Adam
David Cooke
- Schmid, Matti
David Sullivan
- Schwab, Matthias
John Rathouz
- Shelton, Robby
Kyle Asay
- Sigg, Greyson
Jonathan Turcott
- Simpson, Webb
Paul Tesori
- Smalley, Alex
Don Donatell
- Smotherman, Austin
Austin Gaugert
- Spaun, J.J.
Mark Carens
- Stallings, Scott
Jon Yarbrough
- Stevens, Sam
Jared Burgoyne
- Streb, Robert
Steve Catlin
- Streelman, Kevin
Michael Bestor
- Stroud, Chris
Derell Aton
- Stuard, Brian
Todd Montoya
- Suh, Justin
Ryan Jamison
- Svensson, Adam
AJ Montecinos
- Tarren, Callum
Ryan Boshoven
- Taylor, Ben
Robert Peeler
- Taylor, Vaughn
Donald Cooper
- Theegala, Sahith
Carl Smith
- Thompson, Davis
Dean Emerson
- Thompson, Michael
Damian Lopez
- Todd, Brendon
Ryan Goble
- Trainer, Martin
Zak Smith
- Tway, Kevin
David Flynn
- Villegas, Camilo
Santiago Tobon
- Wallace, Matt
Samuel Bernard
- Watney, Nick
Tony Navarro
- Weinhart, Tim
Paul Wosachlo
- Werbylo, Trevor
Christian Muscarello
- Werenski, Richy
Steven Hale
- Westmoreland, Kyle
Joe Woodward
- Willett, Danny
Michael Burrow
- Wu, Brandon
David Streza
- Wu, Dylan
Jeremy Wu
- Young, Carson
Peter Mathison
- Yu, Kevin
Zeke Salas
- Yuan, Carl
Steve Underwood
- Bridgeman, Jacob
GW Cable