18 things about golf that make you happiest

With all that’s going on in the world right now, we’ve got a lot of time to think.
All that thinking doesn’t have to be doom and gloom.
Hopefully, these crazy times are allowing you to also reflect on those things that bring you the most joy in life.
In that spirit, golf makes all of us in this tight-knit community very, very happy.
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To prove it, we asked our @CaddieNetwork Twitter followers to answer the following question: What is it about golf that makes you happiest?
Here’s a look at a collection of our favorite answers.
“Competition and camaraderie. Hands down.” — @SqwareState
The potential for greatness on the first tee, then when that fails, enjoying the great outdoors, friends, making a putt or two when it counts, a few pars and occasional birdie, a few beers, gamesmanship, and the mental game played between my ears. Woohoo! pic.twitter.com/rRJ2obQF6L
— Jeremiah Bullfrog (@bullfrog111) March 27, 2020
“It has to be that perfectly well struck golf shot… You think about the lie, the wind, the temperature, the sun traveling through space and you finally pull that club back and hit that ball and for just a moment you feel like a champion… we all chase that moment!” — @TGolfer83
“The memories.” — @ianhalpinre
“The friends you get to spend the 4 hours or so with.” — @WiscHawg
“Everything! Friends busting chops. Physical and mental challenges. Exercise. Outside. Physical beauty.” — @albrecht_gary
“Everything! The great shot, the putt that drops, the sunshine, the wind, the rain, hanging with friends, the smell of cut grass, a brand-new ball, a new golf glove.” — @onceacaddy
“Feeling of an absolute pure strike. Not pretty solid. Not straight. I’m talking full compressed right on the screws. Nothing like it.” — @TyCWeber
“First of all, the time spent will friends, and the new challenge it brings every time out.” — @Conkright001
“Playing with friends and making new ones.” — @BizChick
“Remembering times with my Dad.” — @noggie63
“It’s 4.5 hours of mental recharge.” — @Brister_84
“Gosh — the challenge. No round is ever the same. Trying to improve and play better and better. Being outside.” — @Bags2121
“The satisfaction of perfection, which happens 2-3 times per round.” — @Lee_Zix
“No matter what you shot yesterday (good or bad), today is a new opportunity.” — @matthewbward123
“That one pure shot each round.” — @texasgolf6971
“Early morning tee time. First couple rolls on the putting green… the trail the ball makes cutting through the dew. I’m in my 40s and it still makes me feel like a kid.” — @IkeWLee
“The one shot that gets you back. Then you realize it’s the one, you get that sly grin going and think to yourself, ‘F***in’ golf, this is the greatest game of them all.’ Rinse and repeat.” — @BennyD1988
putting the right weight on a very long putt. getting close enough to have a realistic par putt.