Through our readers and social media followers here at The Caddie Network, we often receive questions related to the caddie profession. We’ve collected the most frequently asked questions from our readers and followers and tasked actual PGA Tour caddies to serve up the answers based on their experiences. Here are the answers — from PGA Tour caddies — to the questions we most often receive from you.
A golf bag is loaded with stuff for the player — equipment (obviously), but also things like an umbrella, rain gear and more. So what — if anything — do the caddies keep in the player’s bag for themselves?
What do caddies keep in the player’s bag for themselves?
We always have Advil, energy bars, mixed nuts, band aids and electrolyte powder.
Do you have more caddie questions? We have more caddie answers. From “Which are the most caddie-friendly tournaments on the PGA Tour?” to “What’s the one thing you wish you knew about what being a tour caddie entailed before you became one?,” our pros have you covered with over 20 FAQs – just click here.