Through our readers and social media followers here at The Caddie Network, we often receive questions related to the caddie profession. We’ve collected the most frequently asked questions from our readers and followers and tasked actual PGA Tour caddies to serve up the answers based on their experiences. Here are the answers — from PGA Tour caddies — to the questions we most often receive from you.
Many of the caddies on the PGA Tour are members of an association. Here’s an explanation from caddie Tim Giuliano on how it works.
Is there an association for PGA Tour and professional caddies?
Giuliano: Yes, there is and it is called “The Association for Professional Tour Caddies,” or the “APTC” for short. When you first arrive on tour you have the option to sign up for a bunch of things like the Valspar hat sponsorship, insurance, etc., but the one that sticks out is the APTC. Not all caddies are members but we all have the option to be and it really is beneficial. It is led by a board of caddies, elected by the caddies (mostly seasoned vets), that work hard to better our situation on tour.
You probably think I am nuts for saying, “better the situation,” but you have to remember that we spend a lot of time away from home and cover thousands of miles and continents, so things get a little foggy and hectic at times. They keep us up to date on health insurance, travel options and deals, updates in scheduling, planning dinners and work events on the road with sponsors, and they work hard to break down the caddie stigma that has developed over the years.
Right now they are working harder than ever during the COVID-19 pandemic to keep us up to date on everything that pertains to our careers and the well being of our families. They have worked with sponsors to pay us early for our work so we have some sort of money coming in and it is all long hours put in behind the scenes. We are all very fortunate and their hard work has paid off and allowed us to partner with companies like Jani-King, Ranger Ready, Valspar Paint, and The Caddie Network.
Do you have more caddie questions? We have more caddie answers. From “What should a caddie wear?” to “What are some quick tips for being a good caddie,” our pros have you covered with over 20 FAQs – just click here.