Welcome to the 11th installment of our “Caddie Confidential” series, with monthly, inside-the-ropes perspective from dozens of Tour caddies on rotating golf topics. Up this month: we take a look at the highlights and lowlights of a PGA Tour season from caddies, covering most overrated and underrated tournaments, as well as the best and worst destinations.
For the most part, traveling week in and week out on the PGA Tour means chasing the sun as you go from great destination after great destination.
But — that doesn’t mean they’re in envy-worthy places or situations every week. Like any job, a life of travel on the PGA Tour also comes with some irritating realities.
With that in mind, we polled nearly four dozen PGA Tour caddies to get their opinion on the destinations they dread most on the PGA Tour, promising them anonymity in an effort to get their most honest answers.
“Bermuda, DR, Puerto Rico because they’re more expensive, harder to fly in and out of and the purses are smaller,” one caddie told us.
“Augusta. The tournament is great, but the town is an overpriced shithole,” another told us.
Which destination on Tour do you most dread and why?
Check out this selection of responses from caddies:
Los Angeles. Love the course, but traffic and accommodations make it miserable.
Torrey Pines. I just do not like the golf course.
New York or Boston. Awful fans.
Anything in Asia. The time difference is brutal.
Los Angeles. Traffic is horrible.
Mexico. Haha. I hate getting in and out of there.
The Canadian Open. Difficult travel and accommodations.
I do not “dread” any of them. Truly grateful to be a part of each event we play.
The Open Championship. This year especially with COVID restrictions and difficulty of travel. Hope next year in Scotland is different.
The Asia events. The flights and the mandates lately… forget about it.
Barracuda. Small purse and hard work. Very difficult to pull the right club there.
Kentucky. Boring, low purse and hot.
Honda Classic in South Florida. It’s South Florida.
Any U.S. Open. Or any hilly ass course.
Torrey Pines. My player hasn’t made a cut there in 20 years.
Bermuda. 1. the Bermuda Triangle; and 2. It’s WAY too expensive.
Detroit, because it’s Detroit.
Traveling overseas is usually a really fun experience, but the COVID protocols at some spots are ludicrous. *Cough Japan*. We do play for $10 million, so that helps with the burden though.
John Deere. Always very hot, difficult walk and small boring town.
Interested in more from our November 2021 installment of Caddie Confidential? Be sure to check out the favorite destinations of caddies on Tour, which tournaments are the most overrated/overhyped in golf and which tournaments are the most underrated.
You can view all the results from our entire Caddie Confidential by clicking here.