Caddie Network

27 things caddies dread over the course of a round

No surprise here, but rain is one of those things caddies dread over the course of a round. Credit: Brian Spurlock-USA TODAY Sports

There are a lot of great aspects to being a caddie. Chief among them? You get to work outside. You’re not stuck in a cubicle in some windowless office space.

Instead, you’re out in nature, getting some exercise and – hopefully – enjoying some great company for 3-4 hours, all while getting paid for it.

But, just like any other gig, there are some drawbacks – and those drawbacks differ depending on who you talk to.

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We recently asked our Caddie Network followers: What do you dread most over the course of a round?

Well, that question really hit a nerve!

Here’s a collection of our 27 favorite answers when it comes to things caddies dread most over the course of a round in the pro ranks and at country clubs…

“Slow-play warning.” — @SkateLaceBite

“Guys that refuse to pick up and have to putt out their 8-10s.” — @SPARKSfly3131

“Rain.” — @macalmont

“SLOW PLAYERS!!! High scores happen, be ready when it’s your turn, quit overanalyzing every shot!!! There’s a reason you’re not on tour or TV!” — @derbycaddy

“Forecaddying on a hole after leaving the driver and having to walk back with the bag because they topped the tee shot. It’s akin to the walk of shame, even though the shame should be on the player.” — @vedderkj

“Getting stiffed.” — @JerryLouLooper1

“The ‘I think we can find this’ swing. Miles into the trees or bushes, but they insist. So here we go…” — @ZaneMoneyEllis

“We might play an emergency nine.” — @Christo00648393

MORE: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever witnessed on the golf course? | The single-coolest encounter I’ve ever had as the result of being a caddie was _________.

“Caddie ass of course.” — @Teamfrench23

“Caddie ‘rash.’” — @SteveKling1

“When they say, ‘Don’t worry I always tip well.’ #cheapAF” — @strangegrange

“Guys trying to hit on the beer girl half their age right in the middle of the fairway.” — @SimbaRW

“A stubborn golfer who doesn’t take any advice.” — @rya526

“Raking bunkers.” — @MikePostorino

“Losing a ball.” — @DoubleEagleDan

“Double bogey. Or lost ball and reload.” — @cubaguy

READ: How I became a PGA Tour caddie | Unwritten rules to caddying

“Walking uphill.” — @2shots70

“Reading putts for players who couldn’t hit the line on a tap in. Raking every trap on the course and the 8-ball range session off the first tee.” — @montypaolo

“Asking me for a read… and they ‘cannot see it,’ when it’s a course I have worked for 3 years and it’s their first time playing. Then hit it where you want.” — @CaddyOnMyTime

“When they ask: ‘so how much do you usually get tipped?’” — @CaddyOnMyTime

“Players marking 1-foot putts.” — @nav11een

“Having to try to keep clueless players moving because the course is backing up behind them.  Also, the telltale signs that the tip will be light: Top Flites, asking if there’s an ATM on property, bag full of 30-year-old Walmart-special clubs, local public course bag tags.” — @LoopersProShop

“Carrying a bag when your pro gave up.” — @warren_roddy

“Amateur playing off a 20 handicap, 32 yards away from flag, asking, ‘can you zap that?’ Mate, you can’t hit a straight drive. You cannot have a 32-yard club or shot you play!” — @johnyenglish5

“One player that misses left and the other that misses right. Or having two players that play different tees, and the player playing the back tees is way out of his league.” — @llockard

“On the first tee when you hear ‘f*** it, we’re here and we paid for it let’s play the blues.’ That, right there, is a caddie death sentence at Pinehurst.” — @llockard

“Carrying two bags / two putters. All four hit breakfast balls off first hole, regardless of where first ball went. Tracking all eight balls was a pain in the arse.” — @jbags68

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