Twitter Handle
How long have you caddied?
Since 2013
Players I’ve caddied for…
K.J. Choi, Michael Thompson, Blayne Barber and Jeff Overton
Childhood hometown…
New Orleans, LA
What is your greatest memory as a caddie?
Winning with Blayne in 2014 on the Web to secure a PGA Tour card.
What is the best part about being a caddie?
Competing each week, helping your player succeed.
What is your golf handicap?
Favorite sports teams…
New Orleans Saints, LSU Tigers, NY Yankees, Chicago Cubs
What are your hobbies/passions outside of caddying?
Music, Videos, Movies, podcast, weightlifting
Are you involved in a charity/foundation?
Forekids Foundation
Who is your inspirational role model?
My dad
Alternate career choice and why?
Some kind of coach because I like helping and seeing others improve.
Do you have a nickname on Tour and what is the story behind how it was given to you?
LPK, because I carry a long pencil in my hat usually
What three golf players would fill out your dream foursome?
Nicklaus, Faldo, Zinger
What is your favorite stop on Tour and why?
CJ or Riv, I love both cities and the courses are incredible
What is your favorite restaurant on Tour and why?
Drago’s, I love the charbroiled oysters
Where do you reside during off season?
Phoenix or Columbus
What is one thing about you that most people would be surprised to know?
I’m younger than I look, I used to work for a band, I owned an IT company for 15 years before becoming a caddie. I love to travel, I will get in a plane and fly anywhere at moments notice.
Greatest golf shot you have personally witnessed on Tour?
Bubba at the Masters